Our swimming year starts in September when we return to the pool following a short, but much needed, break.
The focus in the period up to Christmas, for swimmers aged 10 and over, is on preparation for the annual Gloucester County Championships. Swimmers will typically attend some open meets during this time, to hone their race skills and to try to obtain qualifying times if they don’t already have them.
Our older swimmers also take part in the highly enjoyable National Arena Swimming League where we compete as a club in three galas against other clubs from across the South West and South Wales.
During the Christmas break, we invite swimmers to a swim ‘camp’ which combines swimming with land training.
The New Year sees our swimmers taking on their peers from across Gloucestershire in the County Championships. As a competitive club, our expectation is that all relevant swimmers will take part in at least one event.
After Counties, the target for our faster swimmers becomes the English Regional Championships which take place in April/May; we compete in the South West region. We also look to take part in friendly galas and junior leagues, where our younger swimmers get their first taste of being part of the Cirencester team.
The British swimming calendar culminates in the summer in the British Summer Championships and the Swim England National Summer Meet.
Our own swimming year ends a little later with our keenly-contested Club Championships, in which all swimmers, including our Learn-to-Swim squads, take part.